Structure Installation
Collis Civil Engineering is a specialist in signal structure installation and is active on the UK rail network. Our specialist knowledge of design, fabrication and steelwork erection means that we can provide a minimum risk, maximum efficiency service for the installation of superstructures.
Our structure installation teams have built extensive experience over a significant period and on high profile re-signalling schemes including the Rugby Nuneaton (RuN), Water Orton, St. Pancras – Sheffield, Gravesend and East Kent II; where hundreds of gantries, cantilever, signal posts, Location Platforms and their associated foundations have been installed.
Structure installations are also undertaken on the smallest level, with single posts being erected for maintenance purposes and mechanical signal structure installations undertaken as a particular speciality.
Regardless of the relative size of project installations, all jobs are completed with the same degree of care and attention, with all work package plans, lifting plans, risks assessments, project timescale plans and other necessary project paperwork duly completed.
Signal structure and Location Platform installation and their associated foundations are the figure head of our civil engineering expertise and is the culmination of work in designing and fabricating the superstructure, undertaking surveys and designing and installing the substructures and completing all project management necessary to run safe, cost effective and timely projects.
Please contact us for more details on our installation packages.