Signal House LED Illuminator

Our product is known as the Signal House LED Illuminator (1814) and has successfully completed trials and achieved product approval in the New Scheme banner repeater signal application with PADS no PA05/02710 and Catalogue number 086/001285.

The LED illuminator (1814) is also now approved for new scheme Miniature Alphanumeric Route Indicators, covering the OFF, RA, CD, and combinations
[ PA05/03162 ] as well as the Miniature Banner range on PA05/03963.

Signal House has further developed the LED Illuminator product with a 55 Watt version [ X11200 ] for retro fit applications. By replacing standard illumination methods with a retro-fit long life, LED alternative, this will save significant costs and resources for the railway industry.

It is expected to finalise the acceptance of a retro fit full size banner signal at Waterloo by the end of September

LED Illuminator

Our Concept is relatively simple; the light source in fibre optic route indicators and banner repeaters is a standard quartz halogen lamp, which has a typical life of between 1,000 and 2,000 hours. The nature and failure rate of these lamps is such that, on average, they are replaced on a 14 week cycle. Despite the recent advent of new LED technology, fibre optic route indicators remain the most common form of route indicator. Our product allows the current signal to remain in-situ – but allows the light unit to be replaced with our LED illuminator. This replacement vastly reduces any staff time on site, removes the need for plant, reduces the need for lengthy possessions and leaves the signal with long life LED illumination and a hugely reduced maintenance requirement.

The LED illuminator offers around 5 years of life prior to expiry. When compared to an average 14 week replacement cycle of a quartz halogen lamp it is easy to see where savings can be made.

Our Proof – we use a simplified example making a number of assumptions. The following relates to a single aspect ‘OFF Indicator. (The cost (£) of a quartz halogen lamp is taken as zero.)

This example shows the savings for a single ‘one aspect’ indicator (indicators with more aspects would generate greater savings). If you assume 6,000 fibre optic indicators on the network, this would generate savings of £28.5million over a 5 year period.

Cost: £0
Cost to Change: 2hrs of 8 Shift @ £1,200 =£300
Life: 14 Weeks
Changes in 5 Years: 18
Total Cost: £5,400 over 5 years
Cost: £350
Cost to Change: 2hrs of 8 Shift @ £1,200 =£300
Life: 5 Years
Changes in 5 Years: 1
Total Cost: £650 over 5 years